Principles and recommendations for research-based collaboration and consultancy

This is the English language version of: nye principper og anbefalinger om forskningsbaseret samarbejde og raadgivning

The universities’ collaboration with companies, organisations and government agencies benefits all parties. Research-based collaboration and consultancy strengthens the basis for sustainable growth, welfare and development.

It upgrades and enriches the universities’ research and study programmes, provides new opportunities and perspectives and ensures access to facilities and data that can enhance the international impact of research.

However, clarity about the terms and conditions for research-based collaboration is very important, to ensure that the integrity and impartiality of scientific research are not compromised or questioned

In light of this, Universities Denmark and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science have drawn up a set of principles and recommendations to aid and guide parties collaborating on research.

The aim of these fundamental principles and recommendations is to clarify and strengthen the common understanding of conditions, roles and responsibilities in research-based collaboration and consultancy and thereby to support the production, utilisation and dissemination of impartial knowledge for the benefit of the entire society.

The principles and recommendations can be downloaded here.